[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Section 508 Compliant Websites means that each element on your website is easy to access for people who may not be able to see, read or hear as well as other people.

What are Section 508 Compliant Websites?

How does this work? Many sites have things like files, tables, image tags, iframes, videos, audio, objects, embeds, and forms. Non-impaired site users easily access and understand these things. But for people with eyesight or hearing issues, images, downloadable forms and videos become obstacles to being able to access the information on the website.

ADA Plugin for WordPress sites is a plugin that scans all of these elements on a site. For each element, ADA Plugin lists the posts that the object is in and an excerpt of the code that was detected. A checklist of action items helps the person managing the Section 508 Compliant standards for the website. The checklist ensures that steps are taken to meet the requirements.

Section 508 Compliant websites are now required by federal law for all governmental websites. However, any website can benefit from these standards. You don’t have to be a government website to use ADA Plugin. Any website that serves the disabled community can definitely benefit from this plugin. But any website can improve their accessibility to people with non-traditional abilities. This not only increase their customer base, but ensures that everyone is treated equally on the web![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Website accessibility following the standards of Section 508 Compliance is a new expectation for meeting the needs of people with different abilities.

Section 508 is a section in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This 1973 legislation emphasized programs and services to people with disabilities. President Nixon signed this groundbreaking legislation into effect. It replaced the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, which authorized grants to develop services and job training for people with disabilities. These acts of legislation and now, the demand for Section 508 compliance, is to equalize access to the “information superhighway.”

Section 508 establishes requirements for electronic and information technology developed, maintained, procured, or used by the Federal government. The phrase “Section 508 compliance” means that a website is accessible to people with disabilities. Other sections of the legislation set standards for different things. One is about reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities. One provides access to information to members of the public with disabilities. In general, Section 508 compliance helps prevent discrimination on the basis of disability in all federal programs.

An accessible website that achieves Section 508 compliance can be operated in a variety of ways. The compliant website does not rely on a single sense or ability of the user. For example, if the website contains video tutorials, the videos would have captions allowing them to be read rather than simply heard.

ADA Plugin offers a solution to the need for WordPress websites to be sure that their website meets Section 508 Compliance. The website’s technology manager or ADA compliance officer will get a checklist of things on the WordPress website that need to be accessible. Most often, the ADA compliance manager must go into the website to find everything themselves and then address it. The ADA plugin will let them check the status of the website’s Section 508 Compliance with a single click.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]